Magazine B

Founded in November 2011, B is a brand documentary magazine that dives deep into one brand in every issue. The magazine talks about what a good brand looks like in a busy world overflowing with branded products, and it focuses on the lasting values of each brand instead of tracking trends.

B selects “well-balanced brands” from all over the world based on four standards: aesthetic, practicality, accessible price point, and brand philosophy. By focusing on the philosophy and function of a brand and the aesthetic and brand experience on the consumer side, readers have started curating B in their collections. A magazine in form, each publication is bound like a book so there are no back issues; earlier issues and recent issues are distributed and sold concurrently.

B is the first Korean periodical to be translated into English and grow a global readership in 40 countries. Aesthetic-conscious readers—from young planners, designers, and startup creatives to marketing personnel and directors of global brands—enthusiastically support the pursuits of the publication.

“What we always think about while making B is who our readers will be. This is not a technical magazine exclusively for brand professionals. It is a serious yet accessible read for anyone who consumes brands or wants to start a business and needs to sharpen their brand sense. It also helps readers learn how to see the world from a brand’s point of view and identify new trends.”

Suyong Joh, B publisher

Magazine F

F is a food documentary magazine cocreated by B and Baemin, a Korean food delivery unicorn startup. Each issue introduces one ingredient that has had a significant impact on the table around the world, with particular focus on how everyday ingredients are produced, how they are used from region to region, what the economic impact is, and how chefs handle each ingredient. In short, F encompasses the past, the present, and the future of food culture.

“One of the things I decided not to do while publishing F was introduce new restaurants or must-visit eateries. I wanted to talk about timeless things and delve into food culture step-by-step. I guess that’s why I naturally turned to ingredients. I wanted to look at the building blocks of our daily dishes more in-depth in a documentary style.”

Bongjin Kim, Baemin CEO


JOBS is the first book series started in August 2019 by B Media Company’s separate publication brand, Reference by B. The series compiles interviews of professionals in a certain job role to show their process and thoughts while on the job. Similar to how B dedicates each issue to one specific brand, JOBS tells the stories of people worldwide who have the same job. This people-centered view on job gives readers an intimate glimpse into vivid conversations with professionals of this era.

“Many meaningful stories in B come from interviews. In a way, B is like an anthology of stories about people who created and worked with brands—what they’ve been doing and how they’ve been living. A brand can symbolize a person’s essence, and so the person who makes the brand is closer to the substance. I think shedding light on that person is like getting deeper into that substance. I think the story of a certain person’s job or occupation—the unseen work behind a brand—is another layer that makes up the brand.”

Suyong Joh, B publisher


